"Your negotiations and follow through were impeccable"
-Richard Ouellette, HAI elite
"This was our third transaction with you and all have been professionally handled"
-Glenn Massimino, Career Management Services
"You were steady as a rock and guided us through to a very successful conclusion."
-John and Lee Anne Metz, Batik Textiles
"Until I lived it myself, I could not fully appreciate the fact that keeping a deal on track was so difficult…You did a great job!"
-George Ottiano, The Maids

Business Valuation: Benchmark the value of your business today

Want to get a business valuation in the Southern California/San Diego area? You’ve come to the right place! At Vanguard Resource Group, we have the skills and expertise to run market data reports to see how your business compares to others that have sold in the local vicinity.

Our business valuation services are a valuable and efficient way to successfully benchmark the value of your business and compare it against the others out there. We also offer value analysis, formal valuation, merger and acquisition valuation, and IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 services that fall under this umbrella or valuation services. Continue reading below for more details regarding our business valuation services.

If you have questions, we’re just one contact away.


Using utilizing a database of over 13,000 sold businesses, this report compares your revenues and earnings to similar businesses which have actually sold. VRG uses transactional databases whose data has been submitted by professional commercial appraisers, business intermediaries/brokers, and accountants, making the data much more reliable than those available to the general public. This report can be an excellent and inexpensive way to benchmark the value of your business.

Call 858-716-0484 for current pricing.


The Value Analysis is a limited scope business valuation designed specifically for the “Main Street” business. with sales of $1,000,000 or less. The report is approximately 30 pages and provides a summary of how the valuation conclusion was determined. Since most main street businesses are bought and sold on a multiple of cash flow, the basis of this valuation is Seller’s Discretionary Cash Flow. The analysis considers primarily historical and current financial performance and very little time is spent with the Balance Sheet. This appraisal assumes an asset sale rather than a stock sale and assumes that current assets (except inventory) and current liabilities are excluded. The report contains the following:

  • Historical Income Statement
  • Adjusted Cash Flow Statement
  • Comparable Sales (Market Approach)
  • Summary of Common Size Financial Statistics
  • Summary Review of Each Valuation Approach
  • Valuation Conclusion and Justification

Call 858-716-0484 for current pricing.


The Formal Valuation (Limited Scope) is a limited scope business valuation intended for the standard small business with sales between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. The report is approximately 50 pages and provides a detailed review of all aspects that were considered in determining the final valuation conclusion. The bulk of the report is financial analysis and the valuation conclusion is based more on EBITDA rather than SDCF and spends more time on current and future financial performance of the company. In addition to the earnings of the company, the Balance Sheet is also a key component of the analysis. The report contains the following:

  • Historical Income Statement
  • Adjusted Cash Flow Statement
  • Complete Financial Statement Analysis
  • Common Size Analysis
  • Ratio Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Economic Outlook
  • Comparable Sales
  • Detailed Description of Each Valuation Approach Considered and Used
  • Valuation Conclusion and Justification

Call 858-716-0484 for current pricing.


The Merger & Acquisition Valuation is a comprehensive business valuation for transactional purposes and is developed in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. This valuation is intended for the larger small business with annual revenues in excess of $5,000,000, businesses that are expected to sell for more than $1,000,000, strategic acquisitions of niche businesses, and generally any business with significant growth expected in the future. The basis of the valuation is future earnings with the historical performance playing only a limited role in the valuation conclusion. The selection of guideline companies comes from both the private and public markets, which tends to make the valuation conclusion more aggressive. This report is a completely customized report and the number of pages can range from 30 to 200 depending on the information that is used to support the conclusion.

Call 858-716-0484 for current pricing.


A USPAP governed valuation developed for litigation focusing on US Court Reviews, Cited Court Precedents, and in-depth analysis and research of minority and marketability discounts. Intended for Estate Tax, Gift Tax, ESOP’s, Divorce, and any situation requiring litigation.

Call 858-716-0484 for current pricing.

Vanguard Resource Group offers business valuation services in San Diego California. We offer business appraisal and many different business valuation services such as those described above. If you have any questions about business valuations in San Diego, CA, or business appraisals, please contact us